Best Buddies is a vibrant, non-profit organization with an international presence in almost 1500 middle schools, high schools and college chapters worldwide. First established in the United States, the 1-to-1 befriending program was brought into Singapore as a new chapter in 2006 and now is in its 9th year.
Best Buddies Singapore is a buddying programme between volunteers and clients with mild intellectual or developmental disabilities. We aim to help these clients gain independence in our society, which they are perfectly capable of, but lack due to the limitations on their social circles and skills.
Through interaction with their volunteer buddies, many clients have gone on to lead inspiring lives, secure proper jobs and foster abilities to cope with life on their own. Most importantly, we hope that friendships forged along the way would serve as a memorable journey of fun and mutual development for both you and your buddy!
Unfortunately, Best Buddies is currently on a hiatus due to the COVID situation
Do stay tuned for the latest updates
What We Do
NUS CSC has partnered with the Association for Persons with Special Needs (APSN) to bring Best Buddies Singapore into NUS. Besides about one group outing (on the second Saturday of every month) to different exciting places, our buddy pairs or groups can go on regular outings (at your own time, twice a month) anywhere around Singapore, doing all sorts of activities they can think of under the sun - shopping, visiting the library, watching a play – and thus, imparting them with social skills that would help them better integrate into society.
Of course, there will also be events where the whole team gets together to celebrate special occasions such as Christmas, and fun and laughter are definitely promised! The project sounds simple, but rest assured that the friendships forged will be unforgettable and rewarding! 🙂
Sentosa Outing - Sun Sea Sand PLAY!!
Best Buddies Closing Ceremony
Come Join Us!
WHERE:APSN Centre for Adults
11 Jalan Ubi, Singapore 409074
But unless necessary, we will not have our gatherings there, and instead have planned group outings to different places every second Saturday of every month! Other than that, paired or group outings with your buddy would be planned to volunteers’ own schedules and wherever you and your buddy are comfortable with. Paired or group outings should take place ideally twice a month, with a duration of at least 2 hours each time.
Best Buddies Facebook
Best Buddies International
Association for Persons with Special Needs
Volunteers' Thoughts
“I have gained a lot of experiences from being a leader; interacting with the volunteers, partner organization and beneficiaries and organizing events with my committee members. As a volunteer, I have learnt that everyone should be given a chance regardless of one's intellectual abilities as it does not determine who we are as a person; they are just like us. And as a leader, I am grateful to have my committee members to guide and help me along this journey, making me realise the importance of teamwork.”
“My paired buddy is very kind, understanding, loving and has a lot of patience. I enjoy when me and my paired buddy go out together and have fun. My buddy has made me a more sociable person and she is a trusted buddy that I could lean on.”
“BB gave me unique friendships, for which I am thankful to have found a friend in the beneficiaries. They have taught me how to give selflessly and love beyond limits. They have also shown me how big a human's heart can be. I learnt that our beneficiaries may be different, but they are definitely not less. They have many strengths that society does not see, and it is my wish as a volunteer that they get even more accepted and appreciated by our society in time to come.”
“Joining CSC has helped me realize the importance of constantly contributing back to the society in the midst of our busy lives. Through the best buddies programme, I’ve learnt how to interact with the intellectually disabled, as well as understand and empathize with them at a deeper level.”