

Exploratory Programmes are the growth arm of the club and can be further broken down into 4 parts: LEAP projects, SparkSeed, Collaborative Programmes and Project ALIVE. 

LEAP Projects are a scheme introduced to allow volunteers to propose their own adhoc projects with guidance and funding provided by the club. SparkSeed is an annual ideathon which serve to improve existing community service programmes and make them more meaningful for beneficiaries the club serves. Collaborative Programmes provide additional volunteering opportunities for volunteers in various sectors. Lastly, Project ALIVE is an inaugural volunteering event where CSC alumni will be invited to volunteer with the club’s beneficiaries.


LEAP Projects


Interested in initiating your own community service project, but not sure where to start? Draft up a LEAP project proposal and we can guide you!

LEAP (Leadership Engagement Aspire Potential) Projects are student initiated ad-hoc projects which serve a specific purpose and/or beneficiary group. The potential of such projects are assessed upon completion, with precedence of projects being elevated to a permanent Special Projects status, an example being Project WAO.

The following LEAP projects are currently ongoing:


Collaborative Programmes


Collaborative programmes are projects supported by the club but the planning and management of these projects are under the purview of outside organizations.


Project SparkSeed


SparkSeed is a virtual ideathon aimed at developing solutions to problem statements, focusing on the beneficiaries of NUS CSC’s volunteering programmes. This year’s problem statement was, “Propose a way to empower CSC's beneficiaries by capitalising on their strengths”. Participants were tasked to come up with a solution to the problem statement over 4 days based on the 4 sectors CSC programmes are focused on (Children & Youth, Elderly, PWID and Migrant Workers). Workshops and consultations were given to the participants to provide more context before they pitched to a panel of judges on the final day.


Join us!

If you are interested in participating as a volunteer in these programmes, do join our Telegram channel and keep a lookout for our recruitment mailers!
You may checkup on the latest updates on the front page as well!


Contact Us!


For enquiries regarding our Exploratory Programmes, you may contact us at!