

Project R.A.I.S.E., also known as Raising Awareness In Society through Engagement, formerly known as Signature Love Project (SLP) is an annual, recurring special project under NUS Community Service Club which aims to raise funds and awareness for an adopted community member. For the current and future iterations of SLP, we have decided to rename the project as Project R.A.I.S.E. to better reflect the objectives of the project. Project R.A.I.S.E. XVIII is the second iteration since it’s rename. 

In previous years and iterations of the project, past project committees had successfully worked with organisations such as Down Syndrome Association (SLPXVI), Singapore Association for Mental Health (R.A.I.S.E. XVII) and reached out to Guide Dogs Singapore (GDS) (R.A.I.S.E XVIII. GDS is a non-profit organisation that seeks to enhance the quality of life for people with vision impairment through rehabilitation and the use of guide dogs, and help them to integrate into society. 




In its 15th iteration, the SLP XV team collaborated with Parkinson Society Singapore to organise community member visits and fundraising drives for People with Parkinson (PwP).

With the theme 'Melt the Ice', they aimed to raise public awareness on Parkinson through the visits with volunteers, thus melting the ice and bridging the gap between the volunteers and PwP! Similarly, the fundraising roadshows were held in March and May to engage passer-bys with interactive games to boost their awareness as well.



In its 19th iteration, Project R.A.I.S.E. collaborated with SHINE Children and Youth Services to raise awareness about children and youth living in rental flats, and organised a tie-dye workshop and R.A.I.S.E. roadshow alongside a fundraising campaign. We raised $1731.04 through our efforts in this iteration. The entire amount was donated to SHINE and would be utilised for organising community programmes for the enrichment and betterment of children and youth living in rental flats.

Meet the Organising Committee!

Project R.A.I.S.E. first hosted an empathy workshop with SHINE and the organising committee members to understand more about the children and youth, and their circumstances, to organise future activities accordingly. 


With the tagline of ‘Shoot for the stars’, Project R.A.I.S.E. XIX aimed to contribute towards the betterment of the lives of children and youth living in rental flats. We worked with SHINE to raise awareness of the vicious cycle of social mobility through our social media (@nuscsc.raise), and also hosted events such as the Tie Dye workshop where volunteers could interact with these children and youth by making Tie Dye T-shirt and Socks together for merchandise sales as fundraiser initiatives. 


Project R.A.I.S.E. XIX also hosted a roadshow wherein we sold Tie Dye merchandise designed by children and youth living in rental flats. We hosted fun games and activities to interact with students and the public to familiarise them with the growing rates of children and youth living in rental flats. The donated amount was raised to SHINE. 



For its 20th iteration, Project R.A.I.S.E. collaborated with the Singapore Indian Development Association, or SINDA for short, to raise awareness about single parent families through three main stages of the project. With the help of the organising committee and volunteers, we helped raise awareness of some of the difficulties that single parent families face, organised a fundraiser roadshow, and conducted an engagement session with some families at SINDA.


With combined efforts from the organising committee and the arts and crafts community at NUS, we produced and sold a variety of products and merchandise to the school’s community to raise funds for SINDA. We successfully raised over $1000 in funds thanks to the support given by the students, faculty members, and the public. Using the roadshow, we also took the opportunity to share more about the single parent community to the public. 

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Last but not the least, we also conducted our engagement session where we taught the families some handicrafts and also engaged them in a drawing activity. This would not have been possible without the help of like-minded volunteers to assist us in teaching and bonding with the families, allowing the exchange of stories and laughter.  

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Through our project research and community engagement, I gained a deeper understanding of the struggles single mothers face, particularly in balancing irregular work schedules with the demands of parenting. Witnessing their love and dedication to their children deepened my empathy and admiration for their resilience. I hope our project helped shed light on some of these struggles, fostering greater understanding in society.

- Si Xuan, Project Director
For me, the most meaningful aspect of Project RAISE was seeing the smiles on the faces of the families we supported and interacted with and knowing we made a positive impact in their lives.

- Kerine, Programmes Head
I have discovered that single-parent families are also figuring things out and trying to find the best way to raise their kids as they go along: they don’t have it all figured out.

- Peng Kai, Volunteer
I was afraid to interact because I was scared I might say something wrong, but I realised they are no different from us, after a while we all became more comfortable with us.

- Kai Lin, Volunteer

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