


Key points to remember before sending your endorsement requests:
  • If you're requesting an endorsement for projects in AY24/25 or projects that are currently ongoing, please check with the VM Heads.
  • For volunteering involvement in projects from AY23/24 and before, please send any queries about your volunteering involvement to MC VM at
  • If you require endorsements for more than 1 CSC event in the same appendix, please ensure that the CSC events are listed in the same table (multiple tables in the same Appendix are not accepted).
  • Please ensure that submissions of Appendixes B and C are in separate Word documents.   
  • All texts stated in the Appendixes must be in plain texts

      MC VM will not accept requests (and will not reply) if

        1. The endorsement window has closed

        1. Endorsement window closes one week before the application deadline

        Last day to request for endorsements will be stated later in due time according to the BIZ SEP Committee’s announcement of the application deadline for Sem 2

        1. The Email request does not match with the example provided

        1. Full Name
        2. Matriculation Number
        3. NUSNET ID
        4. For participation in AY24/25 projects - Confirmation with the respective VM Head(s) that your attendance has been updated
        5. Volunteering activities that you wish for us to endorse


          Full Name: Alice Benjamin Candice Derek
          Matriculation Number: A1234567W
          NUSNET ID: E7654321
          Confirmed with the respective VM Head(s) that your attendance has been updated: Yes
          Volunteering activities that you wish for us to endorse
          Could be activity/session-based or Organising Committee position
          Period & Hours
          Indicate date, hours and number of sessions
          Project GAW
          Special Project
          October 2023 - December 2023
          Total of 12 hours (4 sessions)
          Project Director
          Regular Volunteering Programme
          3 Dec 2022, 29 July 2023
          Total of 9 hours (2 sessions)

          1. Appendices are not in Word Document format (.docx)

          1. Appendices are wrongly labelled

          Naming Convention for Appendices:

          Appendix B (or C)_Name_NUSNET ID

          1. Appendices’ content do not match the example provided

          1. Under ‘Activity/Project’

          1. Project Name
          2. Type of Project: “Regular Volunteering Programme”, “Special Project” or “Exploratory Programme” 
          3. Year e.g. [AY2324]

          1. Under ‘Duration’

          1. Date or Period
          2. Total number of hours 
          3. Total number of sessions


            (Separate each item with a spacing)
            Duration Description of Involvement
            Project Sirius
            Exploratory Programme
            June 2023 – August 2023
            Total of 13 hours (6 sessions)

              Types of Project(s)/ Programme(s) to include in

                1. Appendix B

              1. For non-Organising Committee (OC) Members: Only RVP 
              2. For Organising Committee (OC) Members: RVP, SP, EP

              1. Appendix C: RVP, SP, EP

              1. For non-OC member: double-counting for a CSC project/programme is not permitted.

              Appendix B.Appendix C.

              The latest date MC VM will accept BIZ SEP endorsement requests is on 7 November 2024, 23:59hrs.

              Further clarifications

                For any queries, please feel free to direct it to

                  Thank you for your active participation in our projects and we look forward to seeing you at future CSC events!